Family Law

Superannuation property settlements

The Impact of Superannuation on Property Settlements


When it comes to your finances, superannuation is a cornerstone for securing a comfortable retirement. However, its importance extends beyond individual financial stability, particularly during relationship breakdowns. The division of assets during separation or divorce is a complex process, with superannuation often playing a significant role. This article explores how superannuation is handled and divided in property settlements, ensuring that both parties can move forward with financial confidence. Read More.

Family Law Mediation



Family law mediation provides an alternative to litigation, addressing conflict in parenting and financial matters. In parenting mediation, the child's well-being is prioritised, fostering open communication and tailored solutions to your needs and outcomes sought. Mediation is voluntary and confidential and empowers parties to control outcomes, reducing stress and conflict. Ramsden Lawyers offers expert assistance, emphasising mediation to achieve just and equitable outcomes without protracted court proceedings, demonstrating a successful track record in resolving family disputes. Read More.

Family Law Amendment

Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023


In this article, we explore the ramifications of the Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023, an important legislative measure poised to redefine the landscape of family law, especially in matters involved with family violence. This substantial bill represents a beacon of optimism and change, marking a pivotal advancement in protecting the most susceptible members of our community. Read More.


The Crucial Role Of Independent Legal Advice In Family Law Matters


Seeking independent legal advice in family law matters goes beyond being a mere suggestion; it is a crucial measure to guarantee fair and well-informed decision-making. Family law cases encompass profoundly personal and emotionally charged issues, such as divorce, child custody, spousal support, and property division. Given the intricate nature of these matters, it becomes imperative for individuals to obtain independent legal advice to safeguard their rights, navigate the legal process with proficiency, and strive for optimal outcomes. This article delves into the significance of seeking independent legal advice in family law matters and underscores its many benefits. Read More.

Selling a Property

Navigating Property Sales After Divorce Or Separation: Essential Considerations


Selling a property after a divorce or separation requires careful consideration. Clear communication and cooperation between both parties are essential. Seeking legal advice helps protect your interests and ensures fair agreements. Understanding property rights and obligations is crucial, as is obtaining an accurate valuation. Choosing a selling strategy that aligns with your needs can streamline the process. Addressing financial obligations and agreeing on the division of proceeds are vital aspects. Emotionally, it's essential to seek support and navigate the healing process. At Ramsden Family Law, our experienced lawyers can guide you through this challenging process, providing the necessary expertise and support. Read More.

Alternative Dispute Resolutions To Untie The Knot


Divorce or legal separation doesn’t always need to be settled in court. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediation and arbitration, can provide a private and less acrimonious way to reach mutually agreeable solutions. In mediation, an impartial professional assist both parties in discussing preferred outcomes and reach a nonbinding agreement. If partners can't agree on outcomes, arbitration may be the next best option, where a private judge will make a binding judgment. The pros of mediation and arbitration include saving time and money, maintaining confidentiality, less stress for children, and retaining control over outcomes. However, the cons of mediation and arbitration include the need for legal advice, the requirement for both partners to compromise, the absence of the right to appeal, and the inability to uncover hidden assets or income. Therefore, if a partner is not willing to negotiate or compromise or if hidden assets are suspected, mediation or arbitration may not be effective in resolving divorce issues. Read More.

Selling A Property After Divorce

Selling Property After A Divorce Or Separation: A Guide


Selling a property after a divorce or separation requires careful consideration. Clear communication and cooperation between both parties are essential. Seeking legal advice helps protect your interests and ensures fair agreements. Understanding property rights and obligations is crucial, as is obtaining an accurate property valuation. Choosing a selling strategy that aligns with your needs can streamline the process. Addressing financial obligations and agreeing on the division of proceeds are key aspects. Emotionally, it's important to seek support and navigate the healing process. At Ramsden Family Law, our experienced lawyers can guide you through this challenging process, providing the necessary expertise and support. Read More.

interim parenting orders

Can Interim Parenting Orders Be Changed?


The question of whether interim parenting orders can be altered due to a significant change in circumstances is a common inquiry received by our lawyers, but it hinges on the specifics of the situation. In a recent case, our Family Law Team was involved in such an issue that resulted in a variation of the Interim Orders. In this article, our Family Lawyers discuss how a change in circumstances can impact parenting Orders, the recent case they appeared in and the types of specific circumstances the court takes into account when considering whether to vary Orders. Read More.


Why Queensland Is Australia's Top Divorce State And What Causes IT


The Family Law team at Ramsden Lawyers recently delved into why Queensland is currently experiencing the highest divorce rate in Australia. Recent statistics indicate that in 2021, the crude divorce rate in Queensland was 2.6 per 1,000 people, with 13,475 divorces granted to individuals in the state. This represents a notable increase of approximately 14% from the previous year's record. In this article, the Family Law team suggests that various factors may contribute to this trend, such as changes in societal norms and attitudes towards marriage and divorce, as well as the sheer size of the state's population. However, divorce is a complex issue, and additional factors may be at play. The team's insights may be valuable for individuals and families navigating the divorce process or considering separation, as they provide a deeper understanding of the trends and underlying issues involved in this process. Read More.

Amicable Divorce

The Goat's Amicable Divorce


NFL quarterback Tom Brady (also known as the GOAT) and his supermodel wife, Gisele Bündchen took to their social media. They made a joint announcement that they had finalised their divorce from each other. Their amicable approach led them to wrap up 13 years of marriage swiftly and quickly. An amicable divorce is to reach a fair and equitable resolution while minimising the emotional and financial strain on all parties involved. Read More.

Lighthouse model

The Lighthouse Model - Risk Screening For High-Risk Parenting Matters


Are you or your children at risk of family violence, or have you already been a victim of family violence?? There is now a program through the Court to assist families at high risk of family violence. The Lighthouse Project provides a confidential platform for high-risk families to get the support they need. Click the below link to read more about the Lighthouse Model and what can be done to assist you. Read More.

coercive control

What Is Coercive Control And How May This Affect Family Law Matters?


In our own experience as family lawyers at Ramsden Lawyers, we often see family law matters (property settlements and parenting arrangements) intersect with domestic violence matters. Domestic violence comes in many forms, and the growing recognition in Australia is that domestic violence is not limited to physical violence but can also include coercive control. Read More.