Family Law – Big Money And/Or High Profile Cases
Big Money And/Or High Profile Cases
In the past decade there have been a number of highly publicised Big Money and/or High Profile Family Law Cases.
Often in cases where one party has made an extra ordinary contribution to the wealth of parties to a marriage or de facto relationship, a “special skills” argument will be raised. This is where one party will argue that their contribution was above and beyond the normal contribution, for example by virtue of their business acumen or entrepreneurial skill, or for their ingenuity and inventive skill, or indeed their celebrity. That party would then argue that there should be a weighting of contributions in their favour, to acknowledge the special skill.
The court has also accepted that special contributions argument could be made by a homemaker or parent, for example where there has been domestic violence or the homemaker has received no financial, physical or emotional support from the other party.
There has been much debate in the Courts and in the academic world in recent times as to the strength of these arguments and whether they will only exist in exceptional circumstances.
Do not hesitate to consult us for advice on whether a special contribution argument is a legitimate possibility in your case.
“For more information and advice about this topic, please call our office to speak with one of our experts in this area”.
By John Ramsden, Lawyer and Managing Partner of Ramsden Lawyers.
24 Jul 2012