Hospitality, Alcohol & Gaming

casual conversion

Fair Work Casual Conversion Deadline Looming: An Employer's Legal Guide


Recent changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) have imposed significant obligations on employers in relation to their casual workers. Among these is the requirement for certain employers to assess and convert certain casual employees to permanent (full-time or part-time) employment by the deadline of 27 September 2021. Read More.

Franchising Code Amendments

Franchising Code Amendments: In force 1 July 2021


On 1 July 2021 amendments to the Franchising Code of Conduct took effect. The Franchising Code Amendments further tighten the obligations on Franchisors in a number of respects. In particular, in relation to disclosure, with both new and amended documentation required. Read More.

Leases for Breweries

Leases for Breweries


Think ahead before signing a lease and recognise the difficulties that may arise - work with the landlord on creating a suitable arrangement for both parties. Properly drafted clauses benefit landlords too as, if there is a dispute and the landlord seeks damages, the recovery amount after the litigation process is often less than the actual cost of litigating. Read More.

Employment Law Discrimination

Laws Against Discrimination in the Workplace


Employment law is a complex area of law and there are many laws relating to employment which can be overwhelming for both employers and employees. This article covers some of the basic principles regarding workplace diversity, discrimination and dismissal which are so often intertwined. Read More.

Brewdog Crowdfunding

Brewdog: Pioneers of beer and crowdfunding


‘BrewDog’ was started in 2007 in the UK by two men, Martin Dickie and James Watt (and a dog). 12 years later and BrewDog is now one of the most successful brewers in the UK operating 50 bars in the UK, 24 internationally and now a number of ‘beer hotels’. Read More.

Mandatory Pregnancy Warning Label on Alcohol

Mandatory Pregnancy Warning Label On Alcohol


In October 2018, the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation agreed to develop and introduce a mandatory labelling standard for pregnancy warning labels on packaged alcoholic beverages. It is expected that the mandatory labelling standard will be formally announced in mid-late 2019. Read More.

Can Ex-Employers Control What You Say On Social Media?


While social media was once just a way to connect with friends and relatives, over time it has evolved to include capabilities used by professionals and employees for business purposes. Read More.

Privacy Policy

Do I need a Privacy Policy for my Business


The APPs supplement the Privacy Act and require that private sector organisations with an annual turnover of $3 million have a Privacy Policy in place if that business collects personal information. Read More.