Estate Law

New International Wills In Queensland The Queensland Parliament has recently enacted important amendments to the Succession Act 1981 (‘Act’). As of 10 March 2015, Division 6A of the Act will come into effect regarding the making of international wills.

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Estate & Business Succession Planning | John Ramsden This article draws on the importance of estate and business planning. In particular, this article discusses a typical estate plan and the consequences of not having one. Further, particular attention is given to the significance of strategic business succession.

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Family Provision Applications – Will Challenges Often claims are brought by beneficiaries or others who have not been left what they consider to be adequate provision from the deceased in light of their circumstances. This can include situations where applicants have received no benefit or where applicants have received a benefit.

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Why a Testamentary Trust Makes Sense | John Ramsden When discussing Wills & Estates, we frequently hear the cliches of "I can't take it with me" or "I won't have to worry about it when I'm gone".

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Writing a Will? Don't Forget Your Digital Assets When you think of a will or estate plan, you might envision leaving behind physical assets for your family. You may imagine giving your home to your spouse, bestowing your movie collection to your children or gifting a family heirloom to your sister.

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What does ESTATE PLANNING really mean, and why is it important? Most adults understand the basic premise of a will. Dividing your possessions among your family members and business partners has become a common and fairly straightforward process.

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