Ramsden Lawyers Minimising the impact of COVID-19
In light of the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its declaration by the World Health Organization as a pandemic, Ramsden Lawyers wishes to stress that the safety, health and wellbeing of its staff and clients is of the utmost importance.
Ramsden Lawyers has implemented safeguards that align with the official Australian Government COVID-19 Guidelines and has put in place additional measures in order to minimise the potential impact of COVID-19.
Although faced with a period of uncertainty, we are continuously updating our risk and business procedures to ensure the delivery of legal service to our clients with as minimal disruptions as possible.
Ramsden Lawyers Remote Access
In support of the health and wellbeing of our staff, clients and the wider community, Ramsden Lawyers has fully equipped its staff to be able to work remotely across its Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sydney locations.
Our remote technology allows staff to carry out business-as-usual in terms of attending to our clients’ needs. We are well prepared for the move to remote-access and continue to provide our staff with the support required to ensure the continuous delivery of legal service that our clients are accustomed to.
Additionally, we are endeavouring to implement new ways of communicating effectively with both staff and clients during this time. Our firm is already an avid user of Microsoft Teams which is utilised for internal conferencing. For external communication, our preferred software-based system is 3CX which mirrors the video-conferencing capabilities of Zoom. Our firm’s adaptability to technology such as Microsoft Teams and 3CX has allowed a seamless transition from in-person conferencing to virtual.
We are able to provide our clients with the same level of interaction as they are accustomed to while maintaining appropriate social-distancing standards.
Paperless Practice
Paperless practice is not a new concept to Ramsden Lawyers. For many years, our firm has implemented practices that minimise the use of hard-copy documents and has adopted ’cloud-based’ technology such as PEXA with ease.
These practices have ensured that Ramsden Lawyers is well placed to assist its clients with a wide range of matters where they are no longer able to attend the office.
Visiting Ramsden Lawyers
We appreciate that attendance at our office may be required for a limited number of clients and access to our offices will be available for the purpose of critical business or client needs. To ensure the safety of our staff, clients and the wider community, we ask that you do not attend our office if in the last 14 days:
- You have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19; or
- You have arrived from an overseas location.
We further request that you do not attend our office if:
- You are awaiting confirmation testing of COVID-19 and are placed in self-isolation or have been confirmed to have contracted the COVID-19 virus, until you have received a medical clearance as to you being able to do so; or
- If you have any fever, cough, flu-like symptoms or are feeling generally unwell.
In the event our clients have to attend any of our office locations, we have provided hand sanitisers and disinfectants to promote hygienic practices. Further, we encourage visitors to our office to adhere to the hand-washing and social distancing guidelines as issued by the Australian Government. Additionally, we will endeavour to keep face-to-face meetings as brief as possible and would appreciate our clients’ cooperation in this respect.
Assistance with COVID–19 issues
We understand that our clients may be facing disruptions in the current climate and have impending questions during this challenging time.
Our team is on stand-by for all new and existing clients to assist on best practices and guidance moving forward.
Although we are operating our business-as-usual and remain offering our full suite of legal services, we are committed to monitoring the Government announcements and developments arising from COVID-19. In particular, we can assist clients with the following areas;
- Corporate Governance
- Restructuring and asset protection
- Contract and lease disputes
- Employment Advice
- Wills and Estate Planning
- Insolvency and Safe Harbour advisory
- Immigration
- Family Law and Domestic Violence
- Personal Injury
Please contact us if you would like to speak to a member of our firm.