Second Magistrate allocated to the Domestic Violence Court Southport
The longstanding issue of domestic violence has recently received significant media attention which has assisted with the social awareness of an issue which affects so many individuals. The number of court matters relating to domestic violence is so significant that Southport Magistrates Court have been the first registry to set up the Domestic Violence Court which deals exclusively with domestic violence matters. Approximately 10% of all domestic violence applications in Queensland are filed in the Southport Magistrates Court.
According to the Queensland Police Service, last financial year there were 4683 domestic violence applications made on the Gold Coast compared to 3349 in 2010.
The Court anticipates on average the ability to deal with 40 to 50 domestic violence matters each day which will be trialled over 6 months.
Since its commencement on September 1, the Court has continued to experience a high demand with the objective of hearing applications on the same day they are filed. In aiding the demand, alongside Chief Magistrate Colin Strofield, a second Magistrate has now been appointed.
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath has commented
“The number of domestic and family violence matters at Southport Magistrates Court has increased significantly with the greater awareness and attention on this issue.”
“We are keen to ensure that the trial is responsive to ongoing challenges so that we can identify the best model and options going forward.”
“A second magistrate will be allocated to assist with the high workload of the court, in addition to other innovations including dedicated registry staff, improvements to the court’s facilities and duty lawyer services.”
At Ramsden Lawyers we are very experienced in domestic violence matters. If you wish to discuss a matter affecting you please do not hesitate to contact our office today for a confidential free initial consultation.